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Hey you!  Yeah you reading this, you look like you could use a good IaaS provider.  Well just your luck, I happen to know one.  Let’s take a moment and talk about Linode…

Linode started in 2003 doing one thing well – providing amazing cloud server service for their customers.  Servers, storage, containers, Linode has it.  I started using Linode in late 2020 after hearing about them from Jay with LearnLinuxTV (linky here) and have been hooked since.  My top three reasons for sticking with and referring Linode is – cost, reliability, and ease of use.  You can get started with a basic shared CPU server for about $5 or a decent shared CPU server for $20 (which is what is running this site).

Downsides?  Only Linux distros are options and mail ports are blocked by default.  Starting with mail, this can be changed after contacting their customer service, which I had to do once for a Nextcloud server.  Was quick and painless to do thanks to their awesome CS team. 

Linux distros – the usual suspects are available: Debian/Ubuntu, Arch, CentOS/Rocky, Fedora, openSUSE, Gentoo, and others.  They have regions in North America, Europe, and Asia/Pacific available for the location of the server.  The setup of the server is quick – determine what you need for resources (which can be changed later), choose your distro, name it, etc.  Whole process takes minutes to do.  Cloning your current instance is done with a few clicks, and if you don’t even want to do any of the above, they have options as well for specific applications you will be using to get you started with.  Want to quickly get a LAMP server up, click the button for LAMP in the Marketplace and done.

I haven’t used containers, so can’t speak towards that part of Linode’s service.  I’ll eventually use that part of their service and will come back and update this page with how that goes.

Use my link below to try them out for 60 days with a $100 credit towards your account (you will need to enter in a payment method though).
